Landlord Electrical Testing

Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations, landlords must have their electrical installations inspected at least every 5 years by a qualified and competent individual. Landlord’s must provide a copy of the electrical safety report to their tenants.


It is the responsibility of the landlord to make sure that their property is safe to be used by the tenants. Landlords should ensure all the electrical accessories and apparatus they provide in their property are safe and in usable condition. The majority of landlords are proactive and make certain their property is safe to rent. However, there are a few who neglect their responsibility and put their customers at risk. Even if the property rented to the tenant is unfurnished, the landlord still has the responsibility to make sure all the wiring and electrical equipment is safe.


At Coventry Electrics, we have fully-qualified and experienced electricians in Coventry who can successfully conduct landlord electrical testing.

What do the new electrical safety regulations entail?

The new regulations include the following:


  • The landlord has to make sure the wiring regulations for electrical safety which were in place when the electrical installation was first commissioned are still complied with.
  • Ensure all electrical installations are properly tested and inspected by a qualified person at least every five years
  • Landlords need to have proof of the testing and inspection. They can get the report from a competent individual who did all the testing on their property


Our certified and knowledgeable electricians in Coventry can perform landlord electrical testing and hand over the report over request. Contact us today so we can take care of all you electric related issues.


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What should landlords do with the electrical safety report?

  • Within 28 days of testing and inspection, the landlord should provide a copy of the report to the tenant
  • Handover the copy of the report to the new tenants before the tenancy starts
  • If requested, the landlord should provide a copy of the report to the local authority within 7 days
  • Keep a copy of the report safe for the next inspection
  • Ensure all the electrical issues highlighted during the inspection are fixed within 28 days
  • Inform the tenants and local authorities that the electrical issues (if any) have been fixed


Our electricians in Coventry are competent and experienced enough to carry out landlord electrical testing. If you need further information, you can always contact us.

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What is included as part of the testing?

The main aim of the landlord electrical testing is to find out if:


  • There is no a risk of electrical fire
  • There is no potential for electrical overloaded 
  • Adequate safety devices are provided in case of failure
  • There is sufficient earthing and bonding
  • There are no risks of electric shock
  • There are adequate sockets for the house’s proposed use
  • All accessories are safe working order


Any appliances provided by the landlord, like fridge, washing machine, kettle, heaters are not included as a part of the testing. This is why we recommend landlords to take benefit of our electricians in Coventry and get all their appliances tested as well (PAT, portable appliance testing). This will ensure that all your portable appliances are safe and in good condition.


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Is the landlord electrical testing necessary for new builds?

Generally no. The new build gets an Electrical Installation Certificate. Landlords can use this certificate instead of the report and hand over the copy to the local authority and the tenants. Additionally, this also applies to properties that have been completely rewired, obviously as long as they have an EIC. The EIC is valid for 5 years from the date it was issued. However, do check with your local authority to ensure you are compliant and they will accept a current electrical installation certificate instead of an EICR

What happens if there are any faults?

If there are any faults in the electrical system, then its the landlord’s responsibility to carry out further investigations and any necessary remedial works without delay (generally accepted as within 28 days). Any code 1 defects must be dealt with before the engineer leaves the property. We have a responsibility not to leave people at risk. All the remedial work must be done by a competent person who can provide written confirmation that the work has been completed and the electrical safety standards have been met. Our professional and competent electricians in Coventry are a perfect choice to conduct all the remedial work.

Electricians you can trust for your electrical testing

At Coventry Electrics, there is no job that is too small or big for our talented electrician in Coventry. We are always there to help you no matter how easy or challenging the task is. If you have any queries regarding landlord electrical testing, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Frequently Asked Question

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec rhoncus dolor at libero ultricies ullamcorper vel ut dui. Maecenas sollicitudin risus non faucibus blandit. Nulla facilisi.

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